Friday, May 15, 1964 -- There we are, on the stage of the new Ryerson Theatre, getting our Diplomas in Radio and Television Arts from H.H. Kerr, Syd Perlmutter and Mauri Desourdy.

Fifty years later on Saturday, May 17, 2014 we gathered for walking tours of the campus area as well as a supper in a private dining area at The Blake House on Jarvis Street.

We've recentlyadded photos and updates gathered at this festive gathering, the October Alumni Weekend celebrations and from Syd Permutter's 90th. Check out the bio's and photo pages.

FRONT ROW: Left to right
Diane Grell, Journalism ‘64 (guest ) Syd Perlmutter, Professor Emeritus who came to Ryerson from Winnipeg in 1956

MIDDLE ROW: Left to right
Robert (Bob) Chrysler, Brian Barker, Sig Gerber, Bill Genova, Phil Chee, (guest) Brian Stewart, Journalism ‘64

BACK ROW: Left to right
Ken O’Connor, *Norm Guilfoyle, Jim Coward, *Philip Chant
*Reunion Team member. Missing Gay Claitman.

Click here to mail the Reunion Committee any comments you may have.

Before you leave this page, check out the buttons on this page's top to access the grads, their biographies and other information of interest. And revisit from time to time to check on updates as we hear from more and more '64 grads.

Your RTA'64 Reunion Team
Phil Chant, Gay Claitman, Brian Barker and Norm Guilfoyle


Do you know where to find: Don Allen, Ken Kilpatrick,  C. Okechukwu,  or Glenn Toner?
Please pass on any information and let us know where to find them.


We remember Sam Napier, Bryan Robertson, Eli Potkonjak, Ross Chapman,

Ron Poole, Ron Fiorelli, Gerry Boudreau, Norm Guilfoyle and Roman Bittman.